Hello hydration
Trickle-down distribution With all the demands your body is issuing, […]
Trickle-down distribution
With all the demands your body is issuing, it’s no wonder you need to down water like it’s going out of style! As it
turns out …
- Blood volume doubles by seven months of pregnancy.
- Amniotic fluid is constantly replenishing itself, generating about a cup of fluid every hour.
- Larger amounts of amino acids and water-soluble vitamins are passing through your urine.
- Pregnant women lose more liquid from the lungs, just through simple respiration.
- Water is needed to flush out toxins and relieve some of the stress on your kidneys, which are filtering more stringently than usual.
Raise your glass
You may have to skip out on champagne, but you can still partake in the toast! Visit pnmag.com/mocktails for tasty recipes created with moms-to-be in mind.
Go with the flow!
Constipated? Drink more water. The liquid loosener will have you regular in no time.