Celebrating the first mother: Earth
Eco-moms unite! Sunday, April 22 is Earth Day, and it’s a great reminder to rededicate yourself to earth-conscious practices for all 365 days of the year. Check out this round up of resources for events and tips focused on a greener, cleaner planet:
Mothers earth
Moms are pioneering the green movement, and making choices that will affect the environment for years to come. Here’s how.
The Great Cloth Diaper Exchange
On Saturday, April 21, The Great Cloth Diaper Exchange is looking to break the record from their inaugural year by taking on the Guinness World Record for the most cloth diapers changed simultaneously. Last year the bar was set high, with 5,026 participants at 127 locations in 5 countries. As well as raising awareness about reusable diapering, The Great Cloth Diaper Exchange also raises money to benefit The Real Diaper Association. Find a location near you to participate and be a part of history!
Huggies Brigade
And speaking of diapering, for those who use disposable, greening the process just got easier. To keep as much diaper packaging out of landfills as possible, Huggies and upcycling/recycling pioneer TerraCycle are now accepting shipments of any size through the Huggies Brigade, a free collection and recycling fundraiser. Any parent can sign up for free to send in any brand of diaper packages using a prepaid shipping label to earn points toward charity gifts. It’s a win-win-win for the parents, the planet and the charity.
Companies that care
Part of being earth conscious means choosing to purchase products from brands who share your eco-view. Here are a few baby-centered companies who are champions of the earth-loving agenda.
Eco-friendly action
Easy ways to make your parenting techniques (and planet) a little bit greener.
Clean up your act
Minor modifications you can make to your everyday life that will get your eco-compass pointed in a earth-focused direction.
Go forth and green!