Any day now
Written by: Ginny July 20 2010 So I guess you […]
So I guess you could say Baby Boy is a bit on the large side. I had the 38-week “ultrasound for paranoid people,” and my concerns were confirmed:This guy is a big 'un.
The ultrasound tech said baby was measuring 41 weeks, around 8 pounds, 7 ounces, in the 88th percentile. Of course, the weight estimate is not extremely precise, but still it was enough to have me feeling intimidated.
The doctor said we would keep my July 29 induction date on the schedule, but that I would hopefully go into labor on my own before then. (I'm dilated to a 3, almost 4, so Cervidil is off the menu!) Baby looks ready to go; now we're just waiting on the contractions to kick in. The doctor suggested sex, exercise and spicy food as good ways of moving things along. My lovely co-editors also reminded me of Scalini's Eggplant Parmigiana– the Atlanta dish famous for sending hundreds of expecting moms to the delivery room. (Think this sounds unlikely?Not so- look at all these Eggplant Parmigiana babies!)
With the new evidence, I'm feeling motivated to finally get ready for the hospital. As I'm working on a piece for our November issue about “what to pack in your hospital bag,”I'm also assessing my shopping needs and packing my own bag. I've been washing little bodysuits and blankets so they're ready for use, and thanks to the awesome P&Ncrew, my diapering station is packed and ready. The girls took me out for lunch at the gorgeous (and delicious!) Vinings Inn yesterday and showered me with diapers and wipes for the little guy. I'm going to miss those ladies now that I'm officially on maternity leave (as of today)!