16 Hilarious Parenting Tweets on if Parenting is For You

Here are 16 laugh-out-loud funny parenting tweets to help you decide if parenting is for you.
Let’s be honest, if we waited until we thought we were fully ready to have kids, many of us may have never become parents. By the same token, a lot of the things we thought we’d be dealing with as parents and how we’d deal with them were, well, not based in a reality we could have perceived until actually having milk goblins of our own.
We don’t know about you, but hindsight being 20/20, these parenting tweets about what parenthood is really like would have helped prepare us for what was in store better than any expert advice in those parenting books we read.
Here are 16 laugh-out-loud funny parenting tweets to help you decide if parenting is for you.
If you love being annoyed by 6:30 AM I can't recommend parenting highly enough.
— Rodney Lacroix (@RodLacroix) December 11, 2021
The first hour of your day as a parent will be the longest year of your life.
If you enjoy answering questions like “what time is it in February” then parenting might be for you
— I Hide From My Kids (@IHideFromMyKids) February 27, 2022
We honestly envy the lack of children’s concepts of time and rationale. Until we don’t because we have somewhere to be like 15 minutes ago, but are stuck watching our kids who were adamant about putting their shoes on “by themselves.”
If standing on one leg in a slippery shower while running a razor sharp… razor over your legs isn’t enough of a challenge; and you’d like to receive a steady stream of butt-punches at the same time, parenting might be for you.
— Kind Minds Smart Hearts (@kindminds_) March 25, 2022
Once you become a parent, you will never take a normal shower again. Prepare for the phantom baby cries and screams, checking on your kid to make sure they’re still safe and secure in their bounce chair on the bathroom floor because that’s the only way you can hygiene today, and being asked invasive questions about your … erm … anatomy when you thought you were alone in the bathroom.
If putting the couch cushions back on the couch 6374783 times a day sounds appealing, then parenting may be for you.
— Modern_MomProbs (@Modern_MomProbs) September 1, 2020
They are no longer couch cushions, they are castle walls. Any interior design goals are going to have to wait a while after having kids because nothing is off-limits no matter how hard you try.
If you enjoy pulling muscles from handing your kids snacks from the drivers seat to the back seat then parenting is right for you
— Melissa Gutierrez (@Fiveoclockmommy) June 26, 2018
Driving becomes an Olympic sport when you’re a parent. You will perfect the rear view mirror “mom look,” blind backseat floor-toy-bottle-food fishing while keeping your eyes on the road, and driving straight as your child kicks the back of your seat in an epic tantrum for you to “watch this!”
If you enjoy talking someone down from the ledge because they can feel a wrinkle in their sock, parenting may be for you.
— Simon Holland (@simoncholland) November 3, 2015
“The dog ate my homework” suddenly seems like a perfectly rational excuse because as a parent, the oddest of odd excuses and reasons you’re late will come out of your mouth. Eighty percent of them will be because of your toddler’s weird wardrobe malfunctions.
If you enjoy feeding someone else thirds before you have firsts, parenting might be right for you.
— Walking Outside in Slippers (@WalkingOutside) April 5, 2020
Your diet as a mom or dad will consist of cold meals and/or your child’s leftovers eaten above the trash can. You are basically a human garbage disposal.
Do you love being ignored?
Is constantly repeating yourself your jam?
Do you enjoy arriving late?If so, parenting may be right for you
— Robert Knop (@FatherWithTwins) May 8, 2017
Who needs the CIA when you have a miniature provocateur who’s well-versed in mental torture on your hands?
If you enjoy being interrupted on the toilet by a talent show that you are not only required to watch, but also participate in (from toilet), then parenting is for you.
— redyellowgreendance 💃🏻 (@RYGdance) March 2, 2021
The bathroom is equivalent to Narnia as far as children are concerned. They will follow you in there and maintain deep, awkward eye contact as you attempt to relieve yourself. They also know that you have no choice but to pop a squat for a while and will use this opportunity to perform such amazing spectacles as the Underwhelming Jump Kick.
If you like tiny humans climbing in your bed and complaining of boredom at 4am, then parenting is for you.
— MommyCocktail (@MommyCocktail) March 18, 2022
You will be expected to do all of the things all of the time as a parent. You could have just gotten home from Yeti hunting at Disney World after swimming with actual mermaids on a vacation to Hawaii and your child will complain of boredom.
If you like to shout “why is mr giraffe in the toilet?” and other fun things, then parenting might be for you
— Lottie-pop 🍭 (@Lottie_Poppie) February 5, 2022
Your kid will give the oddest descriptions for shows, toys and food, and you will know EXACTLY what they mean. You’ll also find yourself getting angry over the strangest stunts concocted by your little.
Have you ever wanted to randomly wake up at 4am for the day and do 36 activities before the sun comes up? Followed by another 12 hours of activities? Parenting is for you.
— Scarlett Longstreet (@ScarlettPosner) March 10, 2022
Much of parenthood is planning for and buying fun activities that become a lot less fun after spending literal hours doing them with your kid and having them yell that you aren’t doing them correctly.
If you enjoy spending $50 on dinner for people to eat two bites and throw it away, then parenting is for you.
— AmberCakes 🖖🏻🧢 🍎 🍰 🎨 (@infinitelotus3) March 30, 2022
Wanna know one of the biggest parenting mistakes you can make? Being confident that you know what your child’s favorite food, snack or meal is and stocking up on that item or making it twice in a week because by then they will have decided they actually hate it.
If you think you would like getting out of the shower to a song about how ‘mommy is so stinky’ on a loud echo microphone your kid got for Christmas, then parenting might just be perfect for you.
— Cry It Out Mom (@CryitoutMom) January 3, 2022
Children are little miracles, but they are also little insult generators, and they are not bashful about the things they observe. Kids may like a lot of things sugar-coated, but their thoughts? Not so much.
If your idea of a weekend lie in is 7.30am, then parenting may be for you.
— Just Mom (@MumOfOneBeastie) February 27, 2022
Welcome to parenthood where even an hour more of sleep is a major win, and I mean MAJOR.
If you don't mind washing 20 cups a day, with only 2 children in the home, then yes, parenting is for you!
— blogoholicJane (@BlogoholicJane) January 16, 2022
Between the laundry, dishes, messes and noises, you will be convinced that there are invisible people living in your house because the maths don’t math in regards to how much there is at all times.
If you enjoy checking your shoes for utensils, food, toys, or flashlights before putting them on then parenting is definitely for you.
— Messy bun mama (@NotYoMama9) January 17, 2022
Before leaving the house, a full body search is in order because you never know what stains, bodily fluids, stickers, etc, your child may have put on you. You will find “treasures” like boogers and random house objects in your purse, shoes and pockets. That thing you’ve been looking for for forever? You won’t find it until you move because kids are basically squirrels who stash shiny objects away in neat little hiding spots.
Did you laugh? Share the gift with your fellow parent friends on social media. They need it!