31 Hilarious Mother’s Day Tweets That Will Have You Nodding Your Head

We invite you to join us as we laugh and feel seen.
Mother’s Day is approaching, and while us moms appreciate anything we get, the things we need often get lost in translation somewhere between the commercials shouting that we want chocolate, diamonds and edible fruit bouquets. Really, though, moms are pretty simple. We want to relax and enjoy the day without worry. Worry that the dishes are piling up from breakfast in bed made by the kids. Worry about when we’ll actually get a free hour or two to use that gift card to the spa. And worry that we can’t see past the mess, the noise and excitement our families make in an effort to make us feel special to actually be able to feel special.
So if you’re lying awake in bed after being woken up early by small, anxious faces or trying to relax like your family instructed you to while they make a mess in the kitchen and ask you where everything is, we share with you 31 hilarious Mother’s Day Tweets as our gift of solidarity.
For Mother's day, I'd love to use the spa gift certificate I've been too busy to use from last year.
— Marl (@Marlebean) May 10, 2015
1.If you’re going to give us gift cards (which are awesome Mother’s Day gifts!), you need to also cover time for us to go spend that gift card, child-free.
An advent calendar, but for Mother’s Day. And each day has a mini bottle of wine and a pre-matched pair of kid’s socks.
— AsKateWouldHaveIt (@KateWouldHaveIt) April 15, 2018
2. Take our money because this needs to be an actual thing that exists.
Happy "Make My Own Damn Plans for Mother's Day Tomorrow So We Do What I Actually Want to Do" Day!
— Kim Bongiorno (@LetMeStart) May 7, 2016
3. We give you an “A” for effort, but what we really want to do on Mom’s Day is, well, as little as possible!
“I’m so excited that I have all this extra shit to do on a Monday since I took yesterday off” – every mom the day after Mother’s Day
— Mommy Needs A Life (@mom_needsalife) May 11, 2020
4. It feels amazing to be treated for the day, but the big, juicy cherry on top would be taking care of all the housework and tasks we need to do so we don’t get stuck in a Mother’s Day hangover of unfinished business.
Them: are the kids making sure you have a relaxing Mother’s Day
— MumInBits (@MumInBits) March 14, 2021
5. If by relaxing you mean getting a scream-induced headache and whiplash from all the surprises, then sure, some relaxing happened.
Even though it’s Mother’s Day, my 4yo woke me up and not her dad so that I could watch her make her dad something out of playdoh for Father’s Day and it’s like the tweets write themselves around here.
— Snarky Mommy (@SnarkyMommy78) May 9, 2021
6. Because even on Mother’s Day it can’t be about you.
Continuing the family tradition of my kids letting their dad sleep in on Mother’s Day.
— Unfiltered Mama 🌻 (@UnfilteredMama) May 13, 2018
7. I’m sensing a trend here of moms wishing they can come back and be a dad in their next lives.
The only one who got to sleep in this morning is my 7 year old
I hope she’s having a good Mother’s Day
— Brynn (@themommylode) May 9, 2021
8. Somehow sleep is the most elusive to the ones meant to enjoy it the most on this holiday for them.
Remind me to get my kid’s tablet a Mother’s Day card next year
— Mom Meh Dearest🤦🏼♀️ (@mommeh_dearest) September 19, 2021
9. This one is dedicated to our sister wives. I mean tablets. Without which we’d never be able to shower.
“Daddy still hasn’t gotten you anything for Mother’s Day. That’s why he went to Walgreens.”
– My 6-year-old
— bottom of my purse (@Bottomofmypurse) May 12, 2018
10. Hear us out, Mother’s Day pop-up shops in all the Spirit Halloween locations on Mother’s Day for desperate partners everywhere who waited until the last millisecond.
Mother’s Day tip: buy yourself a nice gift. So if your kids/partner don’t get you something, you aren’t disappointed.
And if they do get you something, well you deserved twice the gifts for everything that you do anyway!
— Terri Fry (@momlikethat1) April 28, 2022
11. Listen, we’re just covering our bases. Think of it as insurance.
I'm celebrating Mother's Day by only doing 83 of 107 things on my to do list.
— KJ (@IDontSpeakWhine) May 9, 2021
12. Only a mother would think 83/107 tasks sounds like a vacation.
Dads on father's day: let's go do something as a family!
Moms on mother's day: Can everyone just not talk to me today or touch me.— Meredith (@PerfectPending) May 9, 2016
13. How about we just don’t and instead, stay home, stuff our faces, and watch murder documentaries?
Mother’s Day: They day I spend catering to the moms who haven’t mothered in over 20 years
— I Hide From My Kids (@IHideFromMyKids) May 5, 2022
14. We find it odd that the ones who go the hardest on Mother’s Day are usually in the thickest parts of mothering, but they’re still expected to pack up the kids and visit grandma. Why are we like this?
Mother’s Day is Sunday, so only 4 days left until my last minute trip to Rite Aid.
— Conan O'Brien (@ConanOBrien) May 5, 2022
15. And it was written unto Dad Law that thy shall assemble in the card aisle of the nearest drugstore in droves for a $5 piece of sentimental paper or thou shall know a mother’s wrath.
My mom doesn’t have an Instagram so I had to say happy Mother’s Day to her face like my ancestors did
— AJ (@AnnaBababanana) May 13, 2018
16. It isn’t Mother’s Day until you boast about what you got and how much your family loves you on social media.
Is it too much to ask to be surrounded by my beautiful children but also not spend even one second with them this mother's day?
— Lauren Mullen (@DraggingFeeties) May 9, 2017
17. We don’t think so.
When you have little ones, it's not really Mother's Day…it's more like Mother's 22 minutes to an hour, tops.
— Domestic Goddess (@DomesticGoddss) May 2, 2016
18. We don’t know, 22 minutes sounds pretty lofty. It’s usually more like, “Wake up! Happy Mother’s Day, we made you an almost inedible breakfast and hacked your favorite flower bush. Now get us some snacks.”
Mother's Day is a special day when I get to do the dishes and yell at people to stop making siren noises while I wear a macaroni necklace.
— Walking Outside in Slippers (@WalkingOutside) May 8, 2016
19. And then our kids complain that they’re hungry so we boil the macaroni on our necklace, add butter, and serve, because of course no one else thought to get groceries.
Telling a mom to relax while her family does everything on Mother’s Day is like telling a pilot to relax while the passengers fly the plane.
— SpacedMom (@copymama) May 14, 2017
20. That word you keep using doesn’t mean what you think it means. More like “ignore the epic mess we made for you to clean up later.”
You too can be the proud recipient of a new popsicle stick frame every May for the low low price of total vagina destruction.
— Anna Grace (@graceupongracie) May 4, 2016
21. What a bargain.
If you’re not awakened by small children lovingly shoving handmade gifts in your face at 6am, is it even Mother’s Day?
— Sara Says Stop (@PetrickSara) May 13, 2018
22. If you thought the last time you’d have a hand in your uterus was during pregnancy and childbirth, you haven’t met an anxious child who is stoked out of their mind for you to see their handprint art or craft.
Autocorrect tried to change "Mother's Day" to "Another Sunday LOLOLOLOL" and I was like, yeah.
— Jennifer S. White (@yenniwhite) May 14, 2017
23. Who do we write to get the name changed, because this is far more accurate?
You don’t have to get us anything for Mother’s Day just don’t ask where everything is for one day and we’ll be happy.
all moms— OneFunnyMummy (@OneFunnyMummy) May 13, 2018
24. Can you imagine not being asked to be a human GPS? Because we can’t.
him: what do you want for Mother’s Day
me: oh I don’t care
him: please don’t do this
— Sara Buckley (@nottheworstmom) April 27, 2019
25. And the moms all tapped their fingernails together deviously.
Do not tell the mother of your children “but you’re not my mom” on her first Mother’s Day.
Swear to God, she’ll bring it up every Mother’s Day and you will fear the day.
— Julie Burton (@ksujulie) May 8, 2018
26. Rookie mistake. Is the $15 you would have spent on some chocolates and flowers really worth a lifetime of verbal hellfire? Make good choices.
All I want for Mother’s Day is to sleep for 9 straight hours, wake up to the sound of coffee brewing and then have my husband say things like, “I’m gonna take the kids all day so you can sit on the couch in your pjs and buy your Mother’s Day gift in peace!”
— Mommy Owl (@Lhlodder) May 4, 2019
27. All we’re saying is this could be a sort of erotica genre for moms. Is it hot in here?
Young mom: I hope he plans something nice for Mother’s Day.
Experienced mom: I booked my hotel room for Saturday night and will be back late Sunday.
— Ramblin Mama (@ramblinma) April 23, 2022
28. Move aside, we’ve got this (and we also have your credit card number memorized).
for mothers day i would love to be left in bed with a bag of reeses cups and the remote
— That Mom Tho (@mom_tho) May 5, 2022
29. Our favorite form of R&R.
I heard my 6YO tell my husband, “how about for Mother’s Day we let mom sleep and take a break, and you take care of the kids?”
And I’m *not* supposed to have a favorite child?
— Not the Nanny (@not_thenanny) May 8, 2021
30. That one gets whatever they want forever. Just sayin’.
The hubby has to work today, the kids are grouchy, and I slept poorly. Instead of feeling badly, I let my kids have extra TV time and took a nap.
Happy Mother's Day to me!
— Raw Motherhood (@MetteAngerhofer) May 9, 2021
31. It’s the simple things that can make Mother’s Day the best.
May your day be filled with the snooze button, good eats, the people you love, relaxation, and great memories. Happy Mama’s Day from us here at Pregnancy & Newborn to you!
By Serena Dorman