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Good night, and good luck
Round-the-clock feedings, middle-of-the-night diaper changes and constantly waking to wailing are all par for the course for new parents. But after several months of fatigued [...]
Sleep like a baby
Eighty to ninety percent of SIDS-related deaths result from unsafe sleeping conditions. Follow these steps to allow both you and your little one to [...]
Worth a shot
When it comes to vaccines, there’s a lot to consider—from easing the ouch to keeping up with that complicated schedule. It’s never easy for a [...]
Breastfeeding and the ACA
No matter your insurance, tucked away within the Affordable Care Act (ACA) is a clause that is revolutionizing breastfeeding for new and expectant mothers. Now [...]
Safety first
Your baby’s well-being is more important than anything. In fact, you’re biologically built to feel anxious about your child’s safety and respond strongly when he’s [...]
Movin’ on up
Between birth and her first birthday bash, your little sprout will do some serious growing—and not just in size. A baby’s first year is a [...]
Phase facts
When you’re a first-time parent, the little things your baby does seem magical ... and sometimes bizarre … and occasionally unbearable. Luckily, the path has [...]
Slippery when wet
Bathing baby can be an intimidating undertaking. But with a bit of preparation and a few handy tips, you'll be running like a well-oiled lean, [...]
Breastfeeding Basics: Planning for Success
Whether you're a first time mom or have been through this before, you'll be equipped with everything you need to feed your new little [...]
Healing touch
Years ago, I met a woman who taught infant massage. I was intrigued, but I was admittedly also skeptical. Did this mean she laid babies [...]
The crying peak
Although only about 20 percent of babies cry enough to fit the guideline pediatricians currently use to diagnose colic—inconsolable crying for three hours or more [...]
Pencil it in
Although it’s important for babies to sleep on their backs to decrease the risk of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS), it’s imperative that they spend [...]
The next course
After subsisting on fluids alone for her first few months of life, there will come a point when baby is ready to expand her intake [...]
Checking out
You counted 10 tiny fingers and 10 sweet toes. In your eyes, your newborn is as flawless as he is precious. Rest assured, you’re probably [...]
Breast is best
Every new mom wants to give her babe the best possible start in life. And it turns out, all babe really needs to score a [...]
What you need to know about breastfeeding
The most common question that follows the ever-popular, “When are you due?” and “Do you know what you’re having?” is a prompt to begin a [...]
Breastfeeding FAQs for breasts that aren’t all-natural
Can I nurse… ... after breast augmentation surgery? Monica Dickinson Cheung, RN, assistant nurse manager for perinatal services at Kaiser Hayward, advises, “Women with breast [...]
Sleep training basics
During pregnancy, you might have fantasized about cozy nighttime feedings and quiet snuggle sessions. But a few weeks postpartum, you likely confronted a difficult [...]
Good night, and good luck
Round-the-clock feedings, middle-of-the-night diaper changes and constantly waking to wailing are all par for the course for new parents. But after several months of fatigued [...]
Sleep like a baby
Eighty to ninety percent of SIDS-related deaths result from unsafe sleeping conditions. Follow these steps to allow both you and your little one to [...]
Worth a shot
When it comes to vaccines, there’s a lot to consider—from easing the ouch to keeping up with that complicated schedule. It’s never easy for a [...]
Breastfeeding and the ACA
No matter your insurance, tucked away within the Affordable Care Act (ACA) is a clause that is revolutionizing breastfeeding for new and expectant mothers. Now [...]
Safety first
Your baby’s well-being is more important than anything. In fact, you’re biologically built to feel anxious about your child’s safety and respond strongly when he’s [...]
Movin’ on up
Between birth and her first birthday bash, your little sprout will do some serious growing—and not just in size. A baby’s first year is a [...]
Phase facts
When you’re a first-time parent, the little things your baby does seem magical ... and sometimes bizarre … and occasionally unbearable. Luckily, the path has [...]
Slippery when wet
Bathing baby can be an intimidating undertaking. But with a bit of preparation and a few handy tips, you'll be running like a well-oiled lean, [...]
Breastfeeding Basics: Planning for Success
Whether you're a first time mom or have been through this before, you'll be equipped with everything you need to feed your new little [...]
Healing touch
Years ago, I met a woman who taught infant massage. I was intrigued, but I was admittedly also skeptical. Did this mean she laid babies [...]
The crying peak
Although only about 20 percent of babies cry enough to fit the guideline pediatricians currently use to diagnose colic—inconsolable crying for three hours or more [...]
Pencil it in
Although it’s important for babies to sleep on their backs to decrease the risk of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS), it’s imperative that they spend [...]
The next course
After subsisting on fluids alone for her first few months of life, there will come a point when baby is ready to expand her intake [...]
Checking out
You counted 10 tiny fingers and 10 sweet toes. In your eyes, your newborn is as flawless as he is precious. Rest assured, you’re probably [...]
Breast is best
Every new mom wants to give her babe the best possible start in life. And it turns out, all babe really needs to score a [...]
What you need to know about breastfeeding
The most common question that follows the ever-popular, “When are you due?” and “Do you know what you’re having?” is a prompt to begin a [...]
Breastfeeding FAQs for breasts that aren’t all-natural
Can I nurse… ... after breast augmentation surgery? Monica Dickinson Cheung, RN, assistant nurse manager for perinatal services at Kaiser Hayward, advises, “Women with breast [...]
Sleep training basics
During pregnancy, you might have fantasized about cozy nighttime feedings and quiet snuggle sessions. But a few weeks postpartum, you likely confronted a difficult [...]