Mastering the latch
There are many benefits of breastfeeding, but one of my […]
There are many benefits of breastfeeding, but one of my favorite perks was the lack of supplies it required. All I needed was my boobs and my baby, and we could make a meal happen. To get baby latched on, gently guide his chin down so his mouth is wide open, and bring him to your breast (leaning over to bring your breast to him will make your back sore). Make sure baby’s mouth is wide open, and keep in mind that it should cover as much of the areola—the dark part of your nipple—as possible. If the latch is uncomfortable for you, gently break it by inserting your finger between your skin and baby’s lips and try again. A proper latch is essential for successful breastfeeding, so if you’re having trouble, don’t hesitate to contact a lactation consultant.
Fast fact: At first, your nipples may be sore when baby latches on, but this should pass quickly and not last more than a few days. While initial discomfort is common, continued or prolonged pain means something isn’t right.
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